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由于乔恩莫斯利(Jon Moxley)与肯尼欧米茄(Kenny Omega)在AEW Full Gear上进行的“熄灯比赛”,马里兰州州立运动委员会目前正在调查AEW比赛。

摔角观察员通讯的Dave Meltzer报告了以下内容:

“Former WCW announcer Chris Cruise contacted the Maryland State Athletic Commission regarding the Omega vs. Jon Moxley I Quit match at the Full Gear PPV show on 11/9. He asked about commission rules on blading, and allowing matches to continue if a performer is bleeding either intentionally or unintentionally and if there was a commission doctor at the show. After repeated requests, he was told that the commission prohibits wrestlers from deliberately lacerating themselves or their opponents, or introducing human or animal blood into the match, none of which happened in that match. The commission noted that they were at the match and there was a doctor assigned to the show. The commission also stated they were conducting a formal investigation into the match and thus, since the investigation is ongoing, they can’t comment on questions regarding the match. I’m not sure what the investigation would be on.”


前WCW电台播音员克里斯·克鲁斯联系了马里兰州体育委员会,就欧米茄对乔恩·莫克斯利的比赛,我在11月9日的PPV节目中宣布退出。20 .当被问及运动员在比赛中故意或无意失血时,以及在比赛中是否有医生时,是否允许比赛继续进行。在多次请求后,他被告知,委员会禁止摔跤手故意割伤自己或对手,或在比赛中加入人或动物的血液,但在那场比赛中,这些都没有发生。委员会注意到他们在比赛现场,有一名医生被派到现场。委员会还表示,他们正在对比赛进行正式调查,因此,由于调查正在进行中,他们不能就有关比赛的问题发表评论。我不确定调查结果会是什么。”





标签: #马里兰州竞技委员会正在调查AEW #是否让选手割破自己流血

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